Tuesday, March 12, 2013



Welcome to Day 1 of the 9th Cycle of the practice of The Magic.

If you're new to this, read up to day 1 and start your lists. Then read ONLY today and do as instructed. Every day, we'll read just the one chapter for the day and participate in the practice for that day.

If you've done this before, start at the beginnig and read the frist 28 pages, check you list, add, delete, make any changes that you feel you want to make and then read Day 1 and follow along as you have in the past.

I intend you all a most wonderful and Magical Cycle where you will find abundance in only the best of life's offerings.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Below are the comments from the first 8 cycles of the practices of The Magic. Yes, it's a long read but it may be helpful to some so I've included them all, most recent first, of course.

February 4, 2013

Hi Everyone!

I personally have been on and off the gratitude path for about seven years and have manifested so much in my life from money to healed relationships and everything in between.  My only "issue" is sticking with gratitude...I fall off the gratitude wagon all the time so that is why The Magic is such a fabulous tool for me!  I personally line up each day of the process with the day of the month because it is just easier that way, so today being the 4th I am on day 4. I still fall off and miss a day here or there but I find that it is on the days that I REALLY don't feel like listing those 10 gratitudes first thing in the morning, those are the days that I am heading out of gratitude and the first sign of that is the not wanting to put in effort. Now I realize that when I feel that UGH feeling, it means I need to push through it more than ever!  I also find that on those days, even though it may take me until gratitude #10 or even more (I do it until I can feel it kicking in), the change is just WOW. Joy Joy Joy Joy! 

Happy Thanking!!



November 29, 2012

Hi T, 

I just thought I’d share… In Judaism there are so many ways to say thank you and I am just waking up to things I have been told to do but have not done.

 For Day 11 (tomorrow) I am going to start saying the Jewish prayer that we are to say before even getting out of bed… It is called Modeh Ani.  Below is a website that tells about it and even someone singing it.

 And this site, Hebrew for Christians actually has a clear outline of what to say and what it means and a Blessing card.

 As for Day 8, I need to says thanks for food regularly. In Judaism there is a prayer for different types of food. I keep forgetting most of them and only remember the one for wine and one for bread.

Even going to sleep every night has a prayer of thanks called the Shema…

 I am seeing so many parallels with the Torah teachings in The Magic.

 Best and thinking of you most positively.



Hi Susan,

Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing all of this information.

It is so interesting, I love the links.

Intending you a most magical day!



November 20, 2012

Good Morning Magic People:

 Welcome to the first day of The Magic! Even though I have done this practice over and over again, I still get excited on the first day. You’d think I would have memorized the practices by now, wouldn’t you? I really haven’t. I can guess what some are as I begin to go through the days, but each time, it truly is different and others have told me it is that way for them as well.

The group is formed so that you know there are others doing the practice and supporting all of us. It’s a great group and the group energy is strong. It’s the buddy system – you’re really only accountable to yourself, we know this. However, it’s nice to be accountable to others so we keep ourselves going.

This is a great “club” – no meetings, no fees, no mandatory participation . . . just the knowledge that you are not alone in the process which for me, brings about a whole bunch of excitement because I love hearing how the magic is working for everyone!

Whether you’re doing this cycle for the second or fifth time, go ahead and read from the beginning, as though you have never read the pages before. Those of us who have done this over and over find it really is different each time. You, of course, may do as you please, however I would not want someone to miss out on an experience because they just went ahead with day 1 and did not start from the beginning. It only takes a few minutes and it may make bring you an aha moment you otherwise would not get. Just a tip.

For those just starting this journey, I am as excited for you as I am for myself in this process. I have been told I am very passionate about this. I am. It works for me because I work it. It works for EVERYONE who works it. It’s a 28 day commitment and it takes probably 30 minutes to do it each morning but I find it actually gives me more time throughout the day, because it sets the tone for the day.

This is a busy week for everyone – I get that. It’s also the week of Thanksgiving – when would be a more perfect time to start this practice?

I am forwarding an e-mail I sent out during the 3rd cycle of the practice because some have asked for the recipe again and I’ve got a rather busy day so, forwarding is easier than retyping.

Also, while you’re working or cooking, listen to the attached – it will set the tone for the entire practice. I listen to it every morning before I write out my gratitude list and I find it helps me to find more and more to be grateful for in my life. I hope you enjoy it.

Intending you all a most magical day!



Hello all you Magical People,

I sent an e-mail earlier stating the day was rainy and gray here in the Northeast. Not everyone in the group is from NJ so some may be enjoying sunshine and balmy breezes.

Today, it seems fall is really settling in and the holiday season will be here before you know it. I have a ritual I go through during the fall, when I feel to do it.

Many years ago a friend of mine, Denise, asked me if I would go to her house to see what I thought of her choice of paint color for her master bedroom (I was doing  the interior designs on model homes at the time so she wanted to pick my brain for the latest in color palettes). I went, thinking of it as any other job and brought everything I’d bring to a real client. We worked for about an hour. While I was packing up she asked me if I wanted to join her for a cup of tea. It was late, I put the freebie clients at the end of the day and although I really wanted to go home, something told me to stay. So I did. She made the tea and brought out a serving platter asking me if I’d like a piece of Gratitude Bread. I asked her what it was, she told me, it sounded good and I ate a piece. It was wicked good. I asked her why it was called Gratitude Bread. She explained it to me and I became intrigued. Now, at this time, I had been writing in a gratitude journal, every night, for about 5 years so this really piqued my interest. Fast forward 2012 and here I am continuing a ritual I started one year after that appointment.

 Sometime, I never know when except it’s usually in October, I make a loaf of Gratitude Bread. I don’t have an exact day because, well I don’t know why really. I just do this when the weather feels right to do it. Today, I’m going through recipes, French cuisine which has absolutely nothing to do with this bread but, while scanning my files, it did hit me that the time is coming for me to make my Gratitude Bread. Not yet, that I know. But soon. While I’m mixing all the ingredients I think about each one, what it represents and I reflect on my life since the last loaf a year ago. Then when it’s done, I eat it. Not the whole thing, a slice a day. I sit down with a cup of tea and I think about all that has occurred over the past year and I give gratitude while I really savor the bread and drink my tea. I do this once a year and then I don’t think about making the bread again, until the next fall. Without fail, it doesn’t occur to me to make it until the time is right. I never bring it to events, I never make it for myself, it’s my once a year ritual. When I cook or bake I do put love and blessings into the food, as we all do but this, and I don’t know why, somehow, is different. Maybe it’s because it’s called Gratitude Bread. I know that’s silly, but for some reason, it really makes me think, reflect, give thanks, get inspired, create and see a bigger picture. Whatever it is, I definitely get something out of it. When I make it, if someone visits, they are offered a piece but I never tell them what I do. I just serve it with thanks and trust that they will receive all the abundance of the ingredients.

I like the bread very much, obviously or I wouldn’t make it once a year. I also find it’s easy to make. I’ve never told anyone I do this, not even my friend Denise. I don’t think I cherish it so much I don’t share, I think I didn’t want people to think I was crazy. Who does this? More importantly, why? Whatever it was that prompted me to start this ritual for myself is completely beyond me. I just do it and somehow, it has become a part of me and my life. Today, as I was going through recipes, I decided I’d share it with all of you because it seems appropriate as we are all part of this practice of gratitude. If you choose to make it, I intend you enjoy all the abundance it offers as well. The representations of all the ingredients are listed at the bottom of the recipe.

 Gratitude Bread                                                                              325°  70-90 Minutes

From:  Denise, friend of T Love                                                                Yield: 1 Loaf


In one bowl combine:

2/3 C. Chocolate Morsels

2 C. Walnuts

1 C. Dates

1 C. Candied Red Cherries

Stir together:

1 ½ C. Flour

1 ½ Tsp. Baking Powder

¼ Tsp. Salt

Sift above over fruit and nut mixture. Stir until flour mix coats all fruit/nuts.

In separate bowl beat:

3 Eggs then gradually add

1 C. Sugar until well blended.

Fold flour mixture into egg mixture. Mix until all particles of flour disappear.

Pour into well greased and waxed paper lined loaf pan.

Bake, cool, and store 1 day before serving for best flavor.

Why is Called Gratitude Bread?

Walnuts represent breaking through the hardships in life (the shell) to get to the healthy, tasty meat inside.

Chocolate represents happiness, contentment and good health (it really is loaded with antioxidants) and it releases feel good endorphins which keep us positive.

Cherries represent beauty, festivity, merrymaking and fertility – This is what makes life worthwhile, fun, purposeful and brings forth our growth.

The Date promotes longevity, destroys enemies and is typically used in many religions to break a fast. We are kept on our true path by breaking the fast which in this case is that which we are holding onto that is impeding our growth.

Flour, baking soda and salt are the rising agents which fosters abundance in all areas of life.

The Eggs hold everything together, making it complete, eliminating lack in life.

Sugar is added to make life sweet.

Oh, and that part about storing the bread for one day before serving it for best flavor? I didn’t get that right away. It actually didn’t dawn on me until one day 10 years ago. I was in temporary housing in Cedar Knolls, NJ, anxious to get into the home we were building and not thrilled with the circumstances. Why weren’t things moving along faster? I’m at the house every day working my butt off painting/staining/laying tiles and trying to get everything done so we can finally move in. Then the day came to make the bread, that’s when it hit me and I had one of those AHA moments: “The Gratitude Bread is teaching me about patience? Are you kidding me? There’s more to this bread than I thought.” When you are patient and wait in stillness, things turn out much better than you imagined. Just like the bread.

The Universe teaches us in many ways, we just need to see the signs. I am most grateful for the sign, the lesson and the support. Oh I’m not saying by any stretch of the imagination that I have learned this lesson fully. OH NO, I have NOT!!! I still get impatient with the things in my life I cannot control. I just get past the impatience a bit faster now because I recognize it, take a deep breath and muster up all I have to know it’s all in divine timing and then accept that. I’ve found that’s the key. Much to my chagrin divine timing is not synchronized with my clock.

So, sometime soon it will be time for me to make the bread again and I’ll get that message yet again, and I’ll be patient while it cools and rests and comes to full flavor. This time though, I know I am more patient than I was a year ago – and I’ll laugh because I’m still not fully there, but what the heck, the bread tastes really good and as long as I need the message, I guess I’ll continue to make the bread, at some point, every fall, knowing I’ve gotten better at being patient with my life than I was the year before.

We are all works in progress – no exceptions.

Intending you all a most magical evening!


November 11, 2012

Hello Magic People,

Hurricane Sandy hit us hard. How is everyone doing? I just got my power back Thursday so I’m just able to check e-mails now. Sorry I haven’t been able to provide support or inquire sooner than this.

 Is everyone okay? Does everyone have power? Please let me know if you need anything. I’m in NJ, Sussex County area, so if you don’t have power yet and need to shower, regroup, get warm, charge cell phones, check e-mail or access the internet, my router is up and running, just let me know.

 Sometimes it’s challenging to maintain our practices during trying times, our schedules are completely thrown off and we have life altering situations we need to contend with so if you were not able to continue with the practices, cut yourselves a whole  bunch of slack. Do what you feel and want to do when you feel and want to do it. You can pick up from today forward, Practice 19 – Magic Footsteps, or just wait until the next cycle begins in 10 days on November 20th.

 Please let me know how you are doing. Keep warm, dry and safe.

 Intending you all a most magical day!



I hope that everyone is getting back to normal, if you were affected by the storm. Thank fully, everyone one I know is ok, some minor damages but nothing serious. After all these are the times which make us thankful for the big things in life such as just being alive! These events make us realize that possessions really are insignificant: they can be replaced.

The comforts such as electricity and water and heat; which most of us don't give a second thought too, are now something we can easily put on our gratitude list and truly feel immense gratitude for those luxuries.

I know that I was grateful to have friends that took us in, including our dogs! But I was even more grateful when we were able to return to our own home. I pray for all of those that have lost their home because the comfort of your home is not something that is easily replaced.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.



October 18, 2012

Hi everyone. This has been an unbelievable experience for me! I am so grateful that T included me in this practice. I have invited a friend to join the group next week. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you for your great energy! I am absolutely doing the next round again, and like T, will probably continue it for the rest of my life.  

Nancy T.


October 16, 2012

Hello Magic People:

 We are in the final week of this cycle of The Magic. There has not been a whole lot of sharing this round. Many of you have e-mailed me directly to let me know you feel you have changed and you are indeed living in gratitude more and more each day. That’s the point. When we truly live from our hearts, Magic happens.

 As someone wrote to me said, “This is work, but if you work it, it works”. I couldn’t agree more. It does get easier as you go through each cycle. For those who may have not been able to continue this cycle, for whatever reason, you’ve probably noticed a difference from when you were able to make it a part of your day, like brushing your teeth. Even if you missed a few days and feel you are behind, it doesn’t matter, you’re still working it. The important thing is to remember what you gained these practices and continue to bring that gratitude and joy into your life. You’re bringing forth abundance and that takes practice.

 I am finding in doing this practice over and over again, different practices become part of everyday life for me. That’s why I keep doing it. I would like all of the practices to become part of my life so I react to things positively all the time. Some practices do seem different. You know how sometimes, you  read something and you understand it but when you read it again, you get something totally different? That’s what has been happening for me. I did the first cycle and loved it. I did it again and found some of the practices to be ‘different’ and I thought to myself, “I don’t remember doing this in this way last time”, but I did as I was instructed and now during this third cycle, even more things seemed completely different. I know the words on the page haven’t changed. Then again, the name of the book is THE MAGIC, so maybe they have – LOL. I have changed, so the meanings of the practices have changed for where I am right now. I like that, so I continue to do it. We are onions and we are constantly peeling away layers – the practices seem to change with the peeling of the layers so it is not becoming a boring routine but rather an exercise in awareness. I really like that.

 The fourth cycle is starting next Tuesday, October 23rd

If you’d like to share what you have gotten out of the practices, please do. So many of you have written to me directly and that’s wonderful. I know you are grateful and loving it. It’s also nice to share what you’ve learned because others will also learn from that, we all learn from each other, no exceptions. Do as YOU feel to do.

 If you do decide to go on again, read the book all over again, from the very beginning, like you never read it before. That list you wrote last time prior to starting the practices? Read it again and make any changes you want to make, cross off anything that manifested for you, add to your list, delete from your list. If you worked the practices, you changed during this practice. Maybe your list did as well. Maybe not. It’s good idea to read through it and see if there’s anything you’d like edit. Then on Tuesday, start with Practice 1.

 Intending you all a most magical day!



Hello everyone,

Just thought I would share what I have discovered this, my second time around. Sometimes you have to feel the opposite to really feel the difference this is making in your life.  

That said, I will share that this time around was more about feeling the difference this practice has made in my life. I fortunately, have not been as diligent this time around. I found it a struggle to get to this practice daily.  The more I beat myself up about it the worse things in my life situation became. And I say this was fortunate because I was made aware of how this had begun to change my life. I have played catch up most of this time around. Beating myself up for it even shifted my vibe to one of guilt, then of course comes punishment. This is wonderful! Because of course now I know I don't ever want to stop living a life full of gratitude.

I am so looking forward to starting again with a clean slate. So for the next week I will work on doubling up. The other thing worth mentioning, is that this time around I found myself, in playing catch up, rushing through it. Not reading the chapters at times. So I am grateful T mentions the importance of doing that. 

Thank you again T, for all your love and support! Count me in for another magical month!

With Gratitude and Love,



Cindy that is a great story to share. Really tells it like it is and how you found the blessings through it all. Thank you so much for sharing.

I would like to address first timers regarding doubling up on practices. Cindy said she is doubling up. I would not recommend that for anyone doing this the first time around because you’ve never done the practices before.

Here’s why:

Our brain is an organic computer. It is the best, most efficient computer, when programmed properly. Having said that, think about a computer program. You load it into your PC. While it’s loading, you can probably do other things, but the speed at which your PC functions is a bit slower because this program is loading and sometimes, you can’t do other things or the program won’t load properly. Once a program is loaded, it sits on your PC until it’s needed and then it’s accessed by a simple click of the mouse.

We work similarly. When you’re in the first cycle of the practices, you’re loading the information into your organic computer. Your brain is taking it in and integrating it so you can use it fully when you need it. That’s why there’s one practice a day. It takes a day of full focus on that practice to integrate it fully so it will then run silently in the background waiting to be accessed. If you’re in the second cycle or further, you can double up because you’ve already integrated all of the practices and you don’t need to load them again. They’re there, you can access them, it may be a bit slower, but it will run for you and you won’t get confused.

I don’t think anyone needs to double up though. You can continue from wherever you left off or start where you know the group is. In either case you can start all over again on the day the group starts. It’s not like you’ll be missing anything. You won’t. You’ve done them before. You may not be doing all of the practices but you are doing practices and since some are so easy to do, footsteps, gift of health, thank you for all the money I’ve received, you won’t be losing momentum. You can always just choose to do the easy ones until the group starts again.

For first timers I think it’s important not to double up. I’ve heard from many who have doubled up and they have said it’s more difficult and confusing. That’s because they were concentrating on two things at once for an entire day. Once you’ve done all the practices (completed the 28 days), it’s easy to integrate many into one day along with the one for the day, because you don’t need to concentrate as much on it. You find triggers such as I’m going to eat: say thank you for the food. I’m walking up stairs: say thank you with each stair step. I’m going into a meeting: thank you for the magical outcome. Got a discount or something on sale: say thank you for the money, etc. The practices have become a part of what you do but you don’t need to practice them in a focused way for an entire day because you already did that.

I am mentioning this because of the direct feedback I have received. With as much as I have received, I may as well put it out there to the first timers so they won’t have the same overwhelm that others felt the first time around when they doubled up.

Intending you all a most magical day!



September 26, 2012

I thank each of you for allowing me the honor of participating in this with you.  I am a day behind, but here, nevertheless!  

thank you all too;  i am a MAGIC virgin but love it already       adrienne

OMG – that’s too funny – a MAGIC Virgin. There are just too many follow-up comments one could counter to that line so I’ll play it safe and say: thank you, thank you, thank you for the bout of laughter Adrienne – you made my day!


Mine too :)

Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Mine, three!  :)     Joanne


Definitely feeling more grateful for finding a bathroom just in time,LOL!!!!  Lina

September 25, 2012

Hello Magic People:

Thank you, thank you, thank you all for participating in The Magic. Though this is for you, it’s for everyone else as well.

This is day one so we begin with Practice 1. If you’ve read the first section of the book, up to chapter 1, then you know that you will read only 1 chapter a day, following the instructions for that day, for the next 28 days. I can’t stress enough that you should not read ahead unless instructed to do so. First, people have done this and gotten excited about what they’ve read and that blurs your focus. It’s impossible for the human brain to focus on two things at one time, doing both well. The purpose of a daily practice is to allow yourself to really get into that days’ practice, feel it and allow it integrate. If you read ahead and you get confused or you find that you’re not able to focus on practice for the day because you’re thinking ahead to what is coming down the road, well, you’re just not going to get the full benefits. The worst part is, you won’t even realize you’re doing it. That would be sad because the benefits are truly great. Also, if you happen to miss a day, you’re going to want to “catch up”. That’s not good either. The same thing happens. You cannot fully integrate two practices because you cannot fully focus on both practices. To get the most of out of this, and remember it’s only a 28 day commitment, follow it exactly and watch the magic unfold. It’s exciting, it’s amazing and it really is truly MAGICAL!

Below is the list of participants for this cycle. Please feel free to create your own distribution list so you can easily select the group name when you want to share experiences or ask questions.

Intending you all a most magical journey through this practice!







Hi there!

I wanted to say hi! I'm very excited about this book and looking forward to sharing it with all of you.

Have a great day and enjoy Chapter 1!!!



Hi Linda and all,

Ditto!!   thankyou,thankyou,thankyou


Good morning everyone! Excited to see our group has grown! Welcome new magicians! Thank you, all of you for your shared energy!


I am glad that you are excited. Welcome to the first chapter and a fantastic day!

 I am so glad to be doing this for my second time.!   I wish everyone a great experience and thank you for being a part of this magic:).



September 19, 2012

Good Morning Magic People,

 L’ Shnanah Tovah!

 Today is a perfect practice for the start of the Jewish New Year.

 Thank you for the Magnificent outcome to this year, 5773!

 Intending Peace, Joy, Understanding and Acceptance across all nations.

 Intending everyone a most magical day!



Happy New Year to All!
I have to let you know that I tried the Magnificent outcome the other day when I went to service, and I received a message about how my life is best lived at this moment. I have been going to the ISD for a few years now, on and off and I had only been given a message during service once a long time ago (and it was quite vague) and my husband gets one practically every time he goes) So I definitely received a magnificent outcome!
I am finding that every day , even when I don't necessarily get to focus or do the lesson, I somehow unintentionally make it part of my day unconsciously. What a bonus to realize it after rereading the chapter or think about the day.
Wishing you all Magnificent outcomes :)


Hi everyone. Just wanted to share a little something that happened to me, & I give credit to the magic. I am planning a bday party for my son & was concerned about where I was going to take out the money for it & I stumbled into getting a job at a local bakery. Although the work environment was bad & I have already quit after 3 days, it actually gave me the extra money that I am now going to put towards this party. Just thought I would share.

Best regards,


Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing Sandi – what a great story! That is The Magic!

I intend your son’s birthday party is fun for all!


What a wonderful treat!  Many Birthday wishes to your son!!

Hello Lovely ladies,
I've been blessed with being a part of this group and reading all your wonderful stories.  Although, I haven't been able to do all the practices with travelling and new masters’ program reading, I do take the time to just tap in to the energy of the group and intentions.

Now that things are settling down, I would love to be a part of the next cycle.

Sending you much love and blessings,


September 15, 2012

Hello Magic People:

We’re into week three – how is everyone doing? Are you finding the momentum is building? Do you find yourself being less judgmental, more compassionate and understanding, better able to handle the daily annoyances that may have pushed you to the boiling point before starting this practice? Everyone processes at a different rate so don’t worry about where you are or what you’re feeling. Just notice how much more aware you’re becoming of well, everything.

I’ve had my share of meltdowns through this process (during both cycles thus far) and I know when that happens, once I get through it, my perspective is greatly changed and my outlook is much more enhanced. That doesn’t make it easier for me when I’m in the midst of crying for what seems no apparent reason for 2-3 hours. However, I do know I’ll get through it and it will be better once I stop.

We’re like onions, there’s always another layer to peel away. If you’ve experienced meltdowns, in the form of tears, or in some other way, don’t think the practice is not working for you. It absolutely is. You’re just releasing. Go with it. It gets much better once you let go of all the junk you’ve been keeping in storage, and releasing is how we let go. You’ll feel lighter and more at peace with yourself.

By the same token, if you haven’t had meltdowns, don’t think you’re not letting go. You are, you’re expressing your releases in a different way. For some, it may be like a light switch being turned on – you just get it. Apparently, I need to wash all the stuff away through tears. Either way, we’re all getting rid of that which is not serving us and we’re all growing and learning and releasing and isn’t it great no matter how it happens for you?!

In preparation for upcoming Practice 17: I don’t have a copy machine immediately available to me so I recreated the form in the book (open the attached file when you get to Practice 17).

I’m sending it a day ahead for those who may be traveling and will not have access to either e-mail or a photocopy machine. If that’s the case, you may want to open the file and print it out so you have it readily available to you when you need it.

Intending you all a most magical day!


Thank you for the attached doc. It came in very handy, since I was away from a scanner when it came time to do this practice.

I do feel the momentum and I am also excited to share The Magic with other people.  Since I received my book as a gift I decided to introduce the practices to someone else, so I in turn gifted a book to them.  I know they are going to love it!

I have to admit that life gets in the way, and I haven’t been following the scheduled routine recommended.  My blessings were usually something I did at the end of the day, and the Day practice was sometimes read late afternoon.  Over the busy weekend, I wasn’t even able to pick the book up, so I set some time aside at the beginning of the week to focus on the practices I missed.  Not an ideal situation, I have to admit – they did feel a bit rushed.

It wasn’t until this week that I understood more the importance of starting the day with 10 blessings to focus on the positive energy first thing, and ending your day before a night of restful sleep thinking positive to ensure a peaceful transition.

I’m learning and that is what I am most grateful for.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Good Morning Magic People:
Hey Sue, that’s great! It’s not about doing the practice in a specific way, the book is a guideline and when life is busy, well, we do need to make adjustments. You did that and you learned from it. As you mentioned, you did feel rushed when you opted to catch up. That’s okay, you’ll get what you need and if you opt to start the cycle again, you’ll get even more the next time and it will be different. It’s about the actual doing of it and allowing each practice to integrate so it becomes a part of you. Thanks so much for sharing!

Today is Practice 19 – Initially, I walked my labyrinth knowing that’s way, way, way more than 100 steps and it worked for me during the first cycle. However, I really liked doing the magic footsteps very much so I thought it would be helpful to determine where I take 100 steps throughout my daily routine. For me, it was up and down stairs. I am constantly up and down a flight of stairs from one level to the next. I counted the stairs and found if I walked up and down one flight of stairs only 4 times I would exceed 100 steps. I KNOW I’m up and down the stairs more than 4 times in a day, every day, so I chose to do my magic footsteps using the stairs. To be honest, it carried over. NOW, whenever I get to stairs, one, or multiple, I do the magic footsteps, every day.

If you have a job where you walk down a hallway a lot, or have a long walk from the parking lot or you’re a stay at home Mom and you’re back-and-forth between rooms, use that as your trigger. I found a trigger helped me and the stairs seemed to do the trick. I remember going up the stairs a few times and not doing the magic footsteps, getting to the top and thinking, “oh, I forgot”. I wanted to be sure to get in my 100 so I went back down the stairs saying thank you with each step so I could come back up saying the thank you’s I missed  on the first trip. The only problem with that was, I got to the top of the stairs and was so proud of myself for doing that and thinking it’s good exercise, no complaints, can’t hurt me and then it hit me, “oh no, why was I even coming up here at all?” That was the downside. Eventually, usually after going back down the stairs, I remembered why I went up and had to return to get whatever it was I needed. I think the Universe was a huge assist to me in the magic footsteps, ensuring I got in my 100 – LOL. BUT, I continue to do it every day. Someone asked me why I bothered going back down and up again, why not just wait until next time since I’m up and down them so much. I did it to train my brain. After a while, I’d remember on the third or fourth stair and then run back down. That worked. Now, I remember and do it constantly. The training worked and it didn’t take long to make it a habit at all. If you get tired enough, your brain does indeed take over causing you to do the easier thing, in this case, to remember to say thank you!

Have fun with your practice today and then if you’re of the mind, find your trigger and incorporate it every day.

Intending everyone a most magical weekend!



September 9, 2012

I am happy for you. I have yet to get it done. The last several days have been challenging but I actual thought I missed a day, but when I went to read it, I realized I hadn't. I had read ahead and actually practiced that days lesson without being aware that I was. I was grateful that I read ahead,because it kept me on track until today:)  But I may still get it done.

Remember, this is fun and this practice, for me anyway, is a particularly fun one that doesn’t require a lot of time, just alone time. I have faith in you. Don’t rush it. Just do what you can, knowing ,that you need only spend one minute on each one – a total of 10 minutes. The cool part is, you may find you really like spending time imagining and you lose track of time so once you start, just let it happen.

The part about reading ahead, so far, everyone who has told me they have done so, has gotten confused. This is my second cycle of doing this practice and even though I kind of know what’s coming, I still don’t read ahead. I guess I like the surprise factor too much. Then again, maybe I’m just too darn lazy to continue reading ahead – LOL.

Intending you a magical night!


September 9, 2012

Good Morning all (had to check to see if was still morning),

I love today's practice, it allowed my imagination to run wild and picture my perfect scenarios. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you all for being on this journey at the same time.   

with Love and Light,


I Love today’s practice too. I find I’m more inclined to take inspired action, no matter how small, toward my desires with faith and trust in it manifesting while letting go of doubt. The group energy is strong and it’s certainly helping me to stay focused. I couldn’t agree more, Lenore, thank you, thank you, thank you all for your commitment.

Intending you all a most magical evening!


September 4, 2012

As my accountability group, I wanted you to know that the other day when I was supposed to express my gratitude throughout my work day...i didn't skip it, I pretended I was at work going through an actual day.  Every time I looked at my watch, based on my daily work routine I tried to recognize, visualize each and every event or subject I was truly grateful for.  Well today is the "go to work" for real day, and I'm going to act out, and hopefully increase my gratitude list.

I am looking forward to "sprinkling" magic over my food and drink.....especially that first cup of coffee!  Enjoy your day!  And remember this....TGIF....today gratitude is first~!  It's not just for Friday's anymore~!


Good morning all you Magical People:

Toni, that’s great, LOL - I love it, TGIF – Today Gratitude is First – great acronym!

Welcome back from the long holiday weekend and for those of us who did skip the workday, no worries. Tomorrow we’ll all be back on Practice 9.

Intending you all a most Magical day!


Thank you for the feedback Toni.  I love how you will incorporate the practice on Day 6 for both days!

And, yes, TGIF!



September 2, 2012

The Practice is very powerful for me today. When I wrote my list of 10 and then said it out loud, I cried after almost each one. Very moving experience today.


Yes, this is very common. The feelings you’re putting into your blessings is very strong and of course that will bring emotion to the fore. It’s great, you’re releasing and letting go. You’re moving forward in a wonderful way. I get a bit teary eyed during the blessings at times but then one day, I had a full blown melt down for 2 ½ hours. It was GREAT! LOL, I wasn’t thinking it was at the time, but shortly after I realized, this is a release. I blamed it on the songs I chose for my radio show two weeks ago. I do think that may have been part of it because I had listeners calling and e-mailing with messages of very strong emotions. I think the practice coupled with the very meaningful lyrics of gratitude and thanks in these songs that I listened to set up for the show really set me off. This occurred three days after I finished the first cycle of the practice. It has lessened a bit this cycle however, I’m still releasing as well. I don’t think it matters how many times you do this practice, the emotions are there and your heart just opens more and more. It’s a beautiful thing.


September 1, 2012

I had thanked T for including me at this time because I had forgotten a lot of this "magic". What you just said about money is so true and it was how I always looked at it in the past. Lately I forgotten that I always believed that if I needed money for anything it would just be there. I would always tell my husband "don't worry it always works out”. These lessons have taught me to believe and have faith again in these truths.

Blessings to All and thank you, thank you, thank you.


Yesterdays focus on gratitude for the Money we've been given throughout our lives was a vivid trip down memory lane.  I remembered blessings from my childhood that I hadn't thought of in 20 years or more.  I also thought about the times Money would "magically" appear when my own kids were small and times were tougher.  Glimpses of the Law of the Universe have been presenting themselves to me all along.  It's a great practice to say the least, and I'm just now getting to this morning’s practice with great expectation.  I hope you all have a wonderful day, one that is worthy of the record books. 


Thank you Toni! I am finding that I have an attitude of gratitude all day long! I have hung the photos, the gift of health sign and the dollar bill on a mirror that I pass several times a day. I stop and give grats upon each pass. I am loving this practice! And becoming more and more aware of my negative mind chatter as well. :)

Thank you!


I think that becoming aware of the negative mind chatter is one of the best gifts of these exercises, thank you for putting that phrase out there, so that it has a name for me now:)


Great feedback.  Thank you.


August 31, 2012

Good Morning Magic People,

At this point in the practice I remember posing the question to the other two women who were participating and asking “Do you feel lighter?” both agreed they did.

Is anyone else feeling a bit lighter or perhaps having a slightly different perspective on life? More peaceful, calm or an overall feeling of being more relaxed?

I remember feeling it the first time around and I do this time as well. That’s not to say things are perfect by any means. Life has been a bit challenging the past couple of days BUT, I find I’m handling things better than I normally would. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

If you’re not feeling lighter yet, don’t worry. Keep going. It will happen for you. I was lucky in that going through the practice the first time my schedule was such that I could easily fit it into my day, first thing in the morning, which made it easy for me to incorporate the practice into my daily life.

When deadlines come up and life gets busier, however, it becomes a tad more challenging; which seems to be the case this time around. That’s okay though. I know the results so I encourage all of you to keep going. We’re all in this together, and by this I am not just referring to the practice. Continue with your practice and you will see, and feel, changes in your life – Magically.

I’ve attached a song that I intend will be both uplifting and inspiring for you.

You can find the words to this song, and others, on my blog at www.tlovereiki.blogspot.com scroll down, it’s the 4th song on the list. To make it easier for you to sing your little hearts out right now – the lyrics are below. So, go ahead, sing loud and show your creator the gift he gave you.

Grateful by Art Garfunkel

I've got a roof over my head
I've got a warm place to sleep
Some nights I lie awake counting gifts
Instead of counting sheep

I've got a heart that can hold love
I've got a mind that can think
There may be times when I lose the light
And let my spirits sink
But I can't stay depressed
When I remember how I'm blessed

Grateful, grateful
Truly grateful I am
Grateful, grateful
Truly blessed
And duly grateful

Within a city of strangers
I got a family of friends
No matter what rocks and brambles fill the way
I know that they will stay until the end

I feel a hand holding my hand
It's not a hand you can see
But on the road to the promised land
This hand will shepherd me
Through delight and despair
Holding tight and always there

Grateful, grateful
Truly grateful I am
Grateful, grateful
Truly blessed
And duly grateful

It's not that I don't want a lot
Or hope for more, or dream of more
But giving thanks for what I've got
Makes me happier than keeping score

In a world that can bring great pain
I will still take each chance
For I believe that whatever the terrain
Our feet can learn to dance
Whatever stone life may sling
We can moan or we can sing

Grateful, grateful
Truly grateful I am
Grateful, grateful
Truly blessed
And duly grateful
Truly blessed
And duly grateful.

Intending you all a most magical day!


That’s so GREAT, Fran. That’s what happened to me too! It’s all about awareness and just checking in with ourselves before reacting, it becomes automatic somehow. It’s very COOL. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing.


Love the lyrics!  And the words about life sometimes making the morning a bit challenging to get to the assignment first thing. . The first day I felt like there was a relief , a weight lifted off of me and today I could have truly lost my temper but because of the exercises the last few days I handled it differently, than I would have had 4 days ago.    Thank you , thank you, thank you for bringing this into my life.

Blessings to all




Thanks for sharing Jean. I, too, am finding I am getting more from it as well. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the best of intentions and for sharing.


I definitely feel calmer and more centered. Day 3 practice took a lot of time for me; only because I didn't have my pictures ready...LOL.  I considered using a picture of myself as one of the people but didn't know if that would count.

I had told my neighbor, Toni, last Friday about the Magic and just found out today that she got the book & started on Tuesday as well    Would it be Ok with everyone if I include her in our group?


Absolutely! There is no criteria other than following the practices.

I know the feeling of searching for the photos. Why wouldn’t using your own photo count? Perhaps your higher self needs to thank your physical self or vice versa. I think it’s fine if you feel to do that. It’s part of self care and none of us do that enough, do we?

Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing Lenore.


Hello Lovelies,

I am loving this process!  The book has been magical.  I love the sentences to start off the 10 blessings.  They have really helped in shaping what I really feel grateful for in my life.  I have felt more at peace and feelings of happiness.... which it also has helped to bring in more love to my heart.   Something that I know is part of what I am meant to bring to others.

I have designated journal for the blessings and the 28 days of gratitude.  Thank you for making me a part of this group and look forward to connecting more as it goes on.

Thank you T for sharing the song and your daily inspirations and guidance as we embark on this magical journey.

Much love & blessings,


August 30, 2012


Hello to All,

T contacted me the other day and asked if I was interested in joining this group. I am glad that I said yes. I feel as if this came into my life at the perfect time. Thank you, thank you, thank you, T.

I am looking forward to the journey we are beginning.

Blessings to Everyone


August 28, 2012

Good Morning all you Magical People,

Today is the first day of The Magic. Just a couple of more things to share that you may find helpful. The original three, myself, Jean and another friend, found it easier to write out the blessings after we meditated. It’s not critical but getting into a space of self; centering and grounding ourselves seemed to really get us into that feeling of heartfelt gratitude more quickly and brought all that we are grateful for to the forefront of our minds. Again, this is just what we found worked for us.

 Also, don’t limit yourself to current events. I went back to my childhood and early adult years and gave thanks for things that occurred during that time rather than present day. There is no right or wrong, just wanting to provide more information in case there are things you may not have thought about. Grateful for your first car, Grateful for the time someone gave you a ride home from school, Grateful for the parents you were born to even if that means so you won’t be like them, it doesn’t matter. Whatever and however you are grateful, it all works.

Writing your list of desires is both fun and somewhat easy. I wrote out my desires in the present tense, as though I already have them. I AM in perfect health or I HAVE the perfect job – rather than I want. WANT, which really equals LACK.  We’re going for abundance so keep the lack out of it. You’ll notice as you go through this process that the lack truly disappears and all the good stuff comes in. You’ll also find any daily issues that perhaps you would have blown out of proportion or over reacted to now seem much easier to handle and you’ll handle them with grace and much less anxiety. More or less an “it is what it is attitude” while enduring whatever it is you find you need to work through. This makes for so much less stress in life and less stress means more good stuff.

There is a lot of energy in groups and the goal of this blog is to work the MAGIC through the commitment we’re all making for the next 28 days. Keep in mind, everyone who is doing this is bringing up your vibration and we all have each others’ back.

I do hope you all enjoy the process as much, and even more so, I do. It’s very exciting and everyone participating is very grateful for all who join. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Feel free to share any comments, suggestions, ideas, experiences, aha moments, “coincidences” of which we know there are none, synchronicities and/or questions, whatever . . . so everyone can share in YOUR joy which in turn raises everyone else’s vibrations bringing all of us more joy.

Intending you all a wonderful practice and a most MAGICAL day!